Fr. Francis Arickal
Managers Exertion
It is with an overflow of delight and boundless enthusiasm that I extend my heartfelt greetings to you today as we pause to reflect on the remarkable journey of St. Antony’s Public School. Ours is a haven of excellence, an institution revered for its unwavering commitment to the CBSE curriculum, which accommodates around 1500 plus students and a beacon of inspiration for educational establishments far and wide.
At this juncture, I find it imperative to extend my deepest gratitude to the Managers, Principals, Board Members, and all who have lent their tireless dedication and wisdom to our noble cause over the past twenty-two years. It is your steadfast commitment that has propelled us to the pinnacles of success, and for this, we remain profoundly indebted.
Furthermore, I must express my sincerest appreciation to the parents and well-wishers whose unwavering support and unwavering dedication have been the bedrock upon which our educational ethos stands. Your invaluable contributions have woven the fabric of warmth and encouragement that envelops our school community.
To our esteemed faculty members and dedicated non-teaching staff, your tireless efforts and unwavering devotion have not gone unnoticed. It is through your selfless service that we continue to aspire towards excellence and provide our students with an unparalleled educational experience.
At St. Antony’s, we espouse a holistic approach to education, one that transcends the mere dissemination of knowledge to encompass the cultivation of virtues such as love, loyalty, honesty, integrity, innovation, and excellence. Our pedagogical ethos, encapsulated by the mantra "WISDOM IS POWER," and the slogan “ GO BEYOND WHAT YOU THINK” are testaments to our unwavering commitment to nurturing responsible global citizens.
In embracing the boundless possibilities afforded by technology, we have seamlessly integrated e-platforms into our educational framework, thereby enriching both curricular and extracurricular pursuits. My heartfelt commendations go out to the Principal and the entire faculty for their indefatigable efforts in harnessing technology for the betterment of our students.
It fills me with immense pride to announce that our collective endeavors have garnered national and international acclaim. In recent years, we have consistently ranked among the top echelons nationally and regionally, as evidenced by our sterling performance in the EDUCATION WORLD INDIA SCHOOL RANKING. Moreover, our distinction as an 'AAAA' grade institution under the aegis of CAREERS 360’s INDIA’S BEST SCHOOL 2023 stands as a testament to our unyielding pursuit of excellence.
Furthermore, our accolades extend beyond the realm of academia, as evidenced by our recent accolades, including the prestigious IKA-2023 award for our exemplary contributions to environmental and social advancement. Additionally, our school has been honored with the URF World Record for the best community service, ET TECH School Excellence Award, Brainfeed Trailblazer School of the Year Award, and a new Asian Record for mass book publishing by students. Notably, our unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship was recognized with the COP28 UAE Green School Award 2023, presented during the world climate summit at UAE, IAB Blind Empowerment Champions 2023 for the empowerment of persons with visual challenges and Sustainable School of India GREEN RANKINGS 2023 - Ranked # 98 for the excellence in practicing sustainable. These accolades serve as a resounding testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence.
As we embark upon the dawn of the academic year 2024-25, brimming with renewed vigor and boundless aspirations, I am filled with unwavering confidence in our collective ability to uphold the standards of excellence that have come to define us. The resounding success of our students in the 10th and 12th Board examinations for the year 2023-24 stands as a testament to our unwavering commitment to their holistic development.
1. Every year we are conducting Scholarship exams such as Naso Scholarship exam, SOF Scholarship exam, Brilliant Scholarship exam, Green Olympiad, Aryabhatta Scholarship exam , Talent Hunt etc
2. We are providing scribe for visually challenged student and students who
need special attention.
3. Students are formed in peer groups for learning by themselves.
4. We are giving more importance to scientific research through THINK GYRA international research team.
5. Remedial classes are conducted for students who need special attention. Co-curricular activities Science exhibition, Fire station visit, industrial visit, Science conclave at Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre.
Extra-curricular Activities
Facilities in Sports (Indoor & Outdoor ): Chess, Carroms, Abacus, Yoga, Cricket, Hockey, Ball badminton, Football, Volleyball, Swimming, Basketball, Badminton, Horse Riding, Table Tennis, Ring Tennis, Karate, Taekwondo & School Band.
Facilities of Arts: Music, Dance, Drawing, Painting, Keyboard, Violine, Guitar, Drums & Chenda.
In conclusion, I eagerly anticipate the journey that lies ahead, guided by the pillars of integrity, conscience, tolerance, competence, commitment, and compassion. Together, let us continue to nurture and empower the future leaders of our beloved nation.
With warmest regards,
Fr. Francis Arickal